Echographie / Radiologie interventionnelle i Indications des examens radiologiques @ Adresses e-mail des médecins de Suisse Romande |
Reflux veineux poplité pathologique lors de la compression du mollet en position debout - Standing popliteal abnormal reflux showed by calf compression |
Doppler du cordon ombilical (foetus) - Fetal cord |
Fracture of L1 spinous process in a 10 years old boy |
Fracture of lateral part of the 5th rib |
Exostosis of proximal metaphysis of the tibia in a 4 years old girl |
Ureterocele causing low-grade obstruction |
Crural lymph node partial invasion by malignant melanoma metastasis |
Main bile duct obstructed by a stone |
Sigmoid colon diverticulitis | |
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